Sunday, February 14, 2010

*Group Essay: Madison, Kayla and I

Hey Madison and Kayla. Let me remind you that I'm writing my paragraph about social class in The Importance of Being Earnest, and how social class affects the lives of different people living in the Victorian Era. My first point of my paragraph is going to talk about how Lady Bracknell is astonished when she finds out that Ernest (Jack) was born in a handbag, even though he was part of the upper class; he wasn't exactly "born" into high society. Next, I'll be writing about how Lady Bracknell asks Jack if he smokes, and she says that "A man should always have an occupation of some kind." (24). Basically, Oscar Wilde is making fun of the fact that Jack nor Algernon have occupations, and that leisure acitivites, social gatherings, and the pursuit of pleasure are the only occupations that men of the upper class have. Last but not least, I'll write about how Algernon and Jack don't appreciate money. An example of that is when Lane hands Algernon the bills, and he simply tears them up. This obviously means that Algernon doesn't care, and he takes his inheritance for granted.


  1. awesome job Nikki!
    are paragraph will be great!
    everything sounds solid!

  2. Nikki you are a really goo writer! I think that our paragraph will turn out to be really good!

