Thursday, September 24, 2009

Writing About Reading.

Most people judge a book by its cover. I try not to. Usually after reading the first or second chapter of a book, I decide if I want to read it or not. Recently, I've been learning that I need to get past the first couple of chapters and give all books a chance. Now I stick with a book until the very ending. I like getting into a new book when it's quiet. It's way more difficult for me to read in a noisy environment, but from time to time that's the only option. It's hard for me to read a book for long lengths of time, no matter how good the book. I'd say that I get distracted extremely easily, sometimes my mind wanders off, or just by a simple beep from my phone.
My reading style is very easy going. I normally don't read for too long, only for about forty-five minutes to an hour. But I do read almost every day. My favorite genre is realistic fiction. Typically, I feel like I can relate to most of the characters in my books that I read. My favorite authors are Sarah Dessen and Jodi Picoult. The books I read by them catch my attention, even in the first chapter, which I love. But even with books that start out boring, I like to finish them still, because I know I won't regret it.


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